Which direction should the scientific community go, to evolution, creationism, or intelligent design? Which does the scientific evidence support? What about God’s Word?
"It is a religion of science that Darwinism chiefly held, and
holds men’s minds... The modified, but still characteristically
Darwinian theory has itself become an orthodoxy, preached by its
adherents with religious fervor, and doubted, they feel, only by a
few muddlers, imperfect in scientific faith," Professor Marjorie
Grene, leading philosopher and historian and science, University of
California. Creation Scientist for years endured scathing attacks from all sides, even from and sometimes especially from so called theologians. Armed with an overwhelming stack of writings and suppositions the anti-creationist steadfastly defend their revered theory while denouncing any view that does not fall within their camp. Someone once said if it walks and talks like a duck, maybe it is; Satan is having a field day with Christians over the issue of Creationism or Intelligent Design.
In this section you will find ever expanding evidence and
thoughtful teaching tools to use in all areas of a Christian’s life
concerning this problem. There are countless authors who now address
the subject, however, only
a few will be If you have anything to add or have problems with anything that is written in this section, as it is with the entire website, please let us know. You should see this. It is beyond comprehension, showing the true magnificence of God's creation. Click Here to Go And this: Hubble Space Telescope Images And This: The Watchmaker
Robbie L. Rogers, Director The Gospel Truth Ministry |
Site Created by Robbie L. Rogers