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Evolution and Christianity Mix
like Oil and Water Bruce Malone Francis Bacon and most of the founders of modern science could
not replace faith in Christ. They realized that without an
acknowledgement of God, the present could not adequately explained.
Furthermore, these outstanding scientists had confidence to proceed
with scientific inquiry because of their knowledge that an orderly
universe had to have a designer. This trust in the existence of a
personal God, who fashioned an intricate, interwoven universe,
provided the foundation to proceed with scientific inquiry. Today's intellectuals have lost this foundational understanding
of the purpose of science. The very definition of 'science' has been
altered from "acknowledge truths and laws, especially as
demonstrated by induction, experiment, or observation" (1934 edition
of Webster's New School dictionary) to "knowledge concerning the
physical world and its phenomena"(1983 of Webster's Collegiate
dictionary). This definition removes the idea that "truth" exists
and emphasizes natural phenomena. By this modern definition God's
intervention cannot even be considered because science has been
defined to exclude this possibility.
There is abundant scientific evidence that macro-evolution has never taken place. The fossil record shows no credible links between major groups of plants and animals; the chemical structure of DNA contains useful information which could not have developed by natural process; and there is abundant evidence for a worldwide flood which contradicts evolution. Evolution is a philosophy unsupported by the majority of scientific observations whose influence has been a detriment to society and true scientific advancement. |