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This may the most important message you are your loved ones will ever read.  It can shed some light on what has been ignored in our churches for a long time.  Many in our Churches today are in this condition and they must be told the truth. Please read it carefully and thoughtfully.

Here is a simple test to allow you to know if you might be one as well.  

First, you or they claim to be a Christian, over 85% of us do; but where is the fruit?  If this were really true would millions of babies be crying out from the grave?  Would morality be at a crises point in our nation? 

Two, you enjoy attending services, when you go.  You may or may not be generous with your wealth.  You probably do not tithe a tenth of your income to the Church where you attend.  Most importantly, you do not have a real hunger to read and study God’s Word, the Holy Bible.  

Now don’t get excited, this is a wonderful place to be,  but, you just can’t stay here.  

A day is coming when you must choose Jesus over everything else.  I pray that this is that special day for you! 

Want to know more?  Read on


Capt. Ben Marler 

The first condition of a Christian is “SAFE” or "saved".  This usually occurs when we are very young.  In some liturgical Churches infants are even baptized in water with out their consent.  God is faithful to hear the words that promised to guide and protect the child as it grows and matures by the parents and witnesses.  

This is truly wonderful because God is so faithful to watch over them.  It must be pointed out here that they are safe until they can hear the Gospel and make a decision on their own to surrender their lives to the Lordship of Jesus and become born again of His Spirit. It can also occur for anyone who is lost when we pray for their salvation. God desires that all will repent and be saved.

The second condition is being truly "BORN AGAIN", not just "saved."  On a particular day you came under conviction that you were a sinner and that your sins had placed you in great jeopardy.  You come to realize this when you listened to the message of the Cross.  The fact that Jesus hung there for six hours upon cruel iron nails driven into his hands and feet for you while His precious blood dripped to the ground was more than you could handle.  You also understood He had received a horrible beating with a Roman scourge that took bits of flesh each time it fell upon Him.  You could see in your mind’s eye the terrible crown of thorns that had been beaten into His scalp.  As you looked further you could see that parts of His beard had been ripped from His face.  There were also bruises there from the many blows from the fist of His torturers. Then the Holy Spirit allowed you to understand the rejection He felt when many of His friends and followers deserted Him.

Then, you also heard or felt the wonderful message in your heart; He is Alive!  Just as He said, He had risen from the dead.  He appeared to His disciples both while they were in small groups and large.  He made a promise that He would return one day to the very spot where He was about to ascend.  In the very sight of His disciples they saw Him taken up.  Then angels appeared to confirm His Words to them.  The very fact that His disciples saw Him and spoke with Him is the greatest proof of this event.  If they had not spent this time with Him they would have quickly scattered and that would have been the end of everything.

If you are BORN AGAIN you have received Jesus as your Lord and Savior.  Your name has have been written within the Lamb’s book of life and best of all, your sins have been erased from the “books” that will appear on Judgment Day.  You have experienced a refreshing release from your past life and are now in fellowship with your Heavenly Father by His indwelling Presence.  You have a heart for the things of God and have received a hunger to read the Bible.  Your spirit is craving to know Jesus intimately.  You also find yourself comfortable when in the presence of your fellow believers and not so comfortable with those who are still worldly.  You want them to have Jesus too!

The third condition is being "SPIRIT FILLED".  It's the very best,
commonly called BAPTIZED IN THE HOLY SPIRIT.  Now I know many will take issue with me here but please allow me to explain.  

Jesus said you will receive Power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you.  In another place St. Paul tells us, “know you not you are the temple of the Holy Spirit…?”  

In my experience I have found out this is an additional blessing.  Do you remember the Disciples were saved when Jesus appeared where they were hiding after His resurrection?  When they believed, Jesus exhaled His Spirit within the room.  By faith they inhaled and their “safe” condition was changed to that of sons of God in an instant.  

I am so grateful that Thomas wasn’t there.  He, like many modern believers, doubted.  He said, “unless I put my fingers into the holes in His hands and my hand in His side I won’t believe.”   

Did you know his punishment was to stay in his “safe” condition for eight days in the company of his brothers who were rejoicing in constant Joy?  They did not receive the second blessing until Pentecost or fifty days later.

The evidence of this third condition is Power!  You are suddenly witnessing about your new relationship with Jesus, but not in your own strength but under His anointing. The ministry you are now fulfilling is bearing new and better fruit.  You are very happy but at the same time, you long to see Jesus face to face. You tend to believe you have little time left to do all that He has prepared for you.  Ephesians 2:10 has made it clear that you are special to God. "For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so that we can do the good things he planned for us long ago."   He has planned each day so as you obey Him and accomplish these works you are filled with His Joy.  You also long to read His Word to see what He is about to reveal to you next.

You do not see anything you have as your own anymore. You realize that you are a steward of the wealth you have and want to use it as He wants.  You are also beginning to see through His eyes more and more.  You can hear those around you with His ears too.  Your heart like His has become compassionate.  You begin to understand more and more that Christianity is not a religion but an eternal relationship available to “whosoever will”.  You want everybody saved.

Satan has become a defeated foe and is no longer able to overpower you.  You have discovered the whole Armor of God from Ephesians six and now clothed yourself in Jesus.  Your main desire is to please the Lord in all things and He is proud of you.  He loves all of us the same but our labors in obedience to His Will has a promised reward and we look forward to receiving it so we can hopefully one day give it to Jesus as our present to Him.  If you recognize yourself in one of these conditions you are very blessed.  If not don't worry, God has brought you thus far... He will not leave you alone.

If you desire to know more about this Jesus Christ who loves you, and you want to ask Him  into your heart, receiving His Saving Grace please click on this Salvation Prayer

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