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"The Marriage of the Word and the Spirit"
Shawn Bolz

WhiteDove Ministries

Martin Luther and the Wittenberg Door

I had a vision of a hand with a hammer in it. With violence in its strokes, the hand was nailing a paper to a large door. I looked at the paper and heard a loud noise that sounded like an explosion that shook the entire heavens.

As I was observing this scene, I remembered Martin Luther nailing his thesis to the Church door in Wittenberg, Germany, on October 31st in the early 1500's. These 95 theses carried the theme that we are not justified by the Church but by faith, and that we all had the God-given authority to have our own relationship with God. The main fruit of this was that Martin Luther was able to print the Bible for every one to have the opportunity of reading it; the common people were empowered to read the logos Word for themselves.

Since the early church, never had the entire world changed so much. It was not revival of God's people or a few saved in one church; all of society began to change as people were able to understand who they are to God. It was a reformation of identity and the protestant Church came out of this incredible dynamic. It affected art, music, science, business, politics, and, of course, the Church. Nothing went unaffected by the great revelation of God being poured out.

A Thesis is Again Being Nailed to the Door of Every Church

I saw a paper being nailed to a door in my vision, just like the one Martin Luther nailed to the door in Wittenberg, but this one, although similar, was different. If Martin Luther's read in theme like this: "All people shall have access to the Bible; to have their own identity in God through reading His Word and no one, not even a priest, can get in the way of this . . . " Then this new thesis was themed with a similar message but about the Spirit: "All people shall have access to the Spirit of God; to have their own identity in relationship to Heaven by hearing the voice of God, and no one can interfere with this spiritual heritage . . . "

This paper I saw was the release of the Spirit of Revelation to the common person on the earth. It was like Joel saw in Joel 2:28, with the Spirit of God released on all flesh. This is available to our generation; a relationship to heaven and Jesus. As God empowers His people with a Spirit of Revelation to have the Logos and the Rhema, there is again going to be a change in all society that transpires.

The Marriage of the Word and the Spirit

I believe what a well-known prophet prophesied in 1989 about this end-time mandate is essential to understand now. He prophesied that God is going to restore the Rhema word so there will again be a marriage between the Logos and the Rhema. Furthermore, it is going to bring the greatest revival the world has ever seen. The enemy would love for us to disregard or forget these powerful declarations prophesied in light of the difficulties experienced by several high profile prophetic people. However, we need to hear this message more now than ever.

A Divine Frustration

There is a disinterest and even frustration in people's hearts towards the prophetic ministry right now. We have had several accusations against our own ministry on a level we have not had in years. One day, while asking the Lord about this, He spoke to me and said, "The reason why these letters and communications are being spread and have found such a broad audience is because there is a root of disappointment in My people towards prophetic ministry and its ministers. I am allowing frustration within people's hearts so that they will be hungry to have their own life of revelation and not exalt ministries to do it for them. I am a jealous God and I will not let the main source of their revelation be from a man, no matter how much I love that ministry."

God wants each one of us to have a prophetic journey and a life of revelation birthed from His heart. This does not negate the need for the prophetic ministry but enhances it. We need prophets, but we can not live out of an unhealthy desire for them to replace our need for our own revelation. The way that most of the church treats the prophetic right now is not a function of relationship with the Kingdom; but instead we are allowing a few prophetic ministries to hold a position that God wants to be common in the body of Christ . . . that all of His people will have revelation and therefore prophesy.

God is Judging the Prophetic Ministry on the Earth

God is presently judging ministries of revelation, not because He is upset with us, but because he wants to make us better. It is His kindness not to leave us where we are. It's easy to get discouraged when we see many are being disciplined, but if you see God's heart of love, you will not feel like the sky is falling but that His heart is more present. Jesus longs for a corporate people who will cry out on earth with revelation of His heart and Word. He loves the prophetic ministry and is calling it higher. The fruit of this will far outweigh the discouragement some feel in the process.

The Modern Day Printing Press

In Martin Luther's day the printing press was inspired by God in technology to spread the Word quickly. The Bible was given into the hands of every human who wanted it, and many other books were quickly distributed which caused world wide change as the Logos was given back to the body.

In our day God has invented the internet, television, radio, and movies. He has a goal for each one of these mediums to be used as broadcasters of His Rhema and Logos words. He allowed these inventions so He can get glory from them. Many Christians protest these very powerful communication networks because they are frustrated with the materials being put out by them. Nevertheless, the most powerful protests will be when we overtake them because we have such revelation of Jesus that we begin to use them to broadcast His name all of over the earth with fresh manna from heaven. This is our portion.

Do You Want a Visitation?

Has your heart come to a place where you don't want another prophetic word from someone else? Have you come to the place that you just long to see Jesus and hear from Him yourself? Do you want a visitation of Him alone? This is mature hunger, and it's being given all over the world right now.

In John 17, Jesus cries out to God: "Father, I want them to be with me where I am! I want them to see My Glory."

He wants you to be with Him, to know Him intimately and to hear His voice. In this most powerful prayer of the Bible, He expresses His longing for you to know Him with full knowledge and full understanding that can only come through the Spirit and the Word being married.

Whenever your heart groans to encounter Him, remember this: He wants it more than you do. Will God deny Himself?