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The Lord is Bringing in the "Big Fish"
Sis. Ching Co
Cebu City, Philippines

I was awakened by the Lord and experienced that sudden urge to get up and go into intercession. As I was waiting for the Holy Spirit to guide me how and what to pray, I was reminded about the story in John 21 which, in my Bible, has the heading, "Jesus and the Miraculous Catch of Fish," where Jesus instructed His disciples after a very disappointing night of fishing. As they were coming back from shore, to throw their net on the right side of the boat, when they obeyed him, they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish.

As I was pondering on this story, I felt the Holy Spirit bringing back to my mind the faces of powerful people in our society from our country that I have been led to intercede and pray for from time to time in the past. And suddenly I found myself prostrate before the Lord and crying out to Him, "Lord, we need You to touch these type of people quickly for the work of Your kingdom. Grant each of them a Saul (Paul) experience so that the same fire in Paul will also come upon them."

I began to visualize in my mind what impact it will make when these people in our society are transformed by God, just like Paul.

It was then that the words "I am bringing in the big fish" were impressed upon my heart so strongly and, with that, a desire to share with all of God's people this good news the words that I received from Him.

"You Will Hear of Their Transformation Being Heralded in the Radio, Newspaper, and Television"

"Rejoice, dear ones, for I have heard your cries. Many of you have been faithfully lifting up leaders from your community and you have been beseeching heaven's door for My Spirit to touch them and to transform them.

"This day, I tell you all. Rejoice, for that day is near. You will see with your own eyes the answers to those prayers. You will hear of their transformation being heralded in the radio, newspaper, and television.

"They will come out openly to declare my glory. And I will use many of you who have been faithfully interceding for them, as My Spirit has directed you to be part of that transformation.

"Many of you I will bring to their homes to explain and make clear to them the meaning of their unusual experiences and encounter with Me. Many of you I will use to disciple their household. Many of you I bring into their homes, offices, factories, and workplaces to share with their employees the good news about the kingdom, as their employers will request."

"Rejoice! That Day is Dawning!"

"Rejoice, for this is a new day. I have distributed to my heavenly hosts a sealed envelope with their names written on it, declaring that harvest time is near.

"For all the people of the earth belong to me. Whether Kings, noblemen, businessmen, educators, scientists, great men of the academy, and the likes. These are the ones that you will catch as you throw in your net of intercession.

"Rejoice, for that day is dawning. You will see with your own eyes the unveiling of this event. I will not delay anymore."

Hallelujah!! Praise the Lord!!

Encourage One Another

Many of you are hearing the same message in your spirit. And this message is meant to be a confirmation to that.

Heavenly Father, thank You. That is all we can say. No words will be sufficient to describe the joy and release we felt in our heart. All glory and power and majesty belongs to You. Amen!

If God is speaking the same message to you, please take the time to encourage one another.