The Seeds of World War III
Rick Joyner
A prophetic friend of mine, Bob
Jones, believes that World War III actually began with the assassination
of Anwar Sadat. It seems that this is proving to be true. This is marked
by many as the beginning of the hijacking of the Islamic faith by radical
extremists that have now stirred up a nearly worldwide conflict. This war
may be unfolding very differently than the world wars of the last century,
but it is in fact proving to be a world war, and its potential is to be
far more devastating than the last two combined.
Ironically, it is the knee jerk reaction to war that is leading Europe to
this war. Nazi Germany could have been stopped by the Czechs in 1939, with
just a little help from the French and British. The leaders of those two
countries sought the path of appeasement by which they thought they were
getting peace in their time. But by doing this, they only multiplied the
price they would have to pay to defeat the evil. Europe is being set up
again for a far more devastating war than it has to be. This can still be
changed, but time is running out fast.
World War III is bigger than the War on Terror. This is just one of the
battles, though it is a major one, and is far from over. However, we must
begin to see the bigger picture. What I am offering here is but another
piece of the puzzle, but it is an important one for us to understand if we
are going to perceive what is coming.
In future bulletins I will offer a few more pieces, as well as establish
some of the points in this one a little more. However, this is a bulletin
that is addressing an issue that is worthy of a very large book, so it is
necessarily very superficial. My goal is not so much to convince, or fully
educate, as it is to get some others to start looking in a direction that
they may not be seeing at this time. To avoid this perspective will become
increasingly costly to us the longer we wait.
The Fall of Europe
I am thankful to have been able to spend a considerable amount of time in
Europe over the last twenty years. I have visited most of the nations
there, and many of them quite a few times. On each visit I have tried to
learn from the nation I was in, as well as about it. From this I have
gained a deep love, appreciation, and respect for Europe. I love its
diversity of culture, heritage, languages, geography, and cities. Europe
has also given the world the very best of its civilization, from art and
music to science and government, as well as the great Christian foundation
that many other nations and cultures are built upon.
The whole world owes much to Europe, but America especially does. Not only
is it the source of our basic culture, but Europe has been the greatest
defender of the Christian faith, the birthplace of democracy, as well as
our system of justice. The majority of the most noble, courageous, and
godly souls to walk the earth over the last two thousand years were from
Europe. Europe is deserving of our honor and respect. Even so, Europe is
sliding into the deepest darkness of soul that has possibly yet perverted
the human race. Its departure from the faith is possibly the greatest
spiritual tragedy in history.
This may be dismissed by Europeans as an American's perspective, or a
Christian's perspective. But since I have traveled around the world, I
know that it is an increasing perspective around the world, that Europe,
in general, has lost its moral clarity, and its courage. These are the two
pillars of true nobility, and true greatness. Europe is sliding very fast
into the abyss of not only moral and spiritual depravity, but even sound
thinking. In general, it does not seem that they are even making sense in
some basic issues. At the same time their politicians and media seem to
view themselves as being the only ones with wisdom, dismissing those who
disagree with them as either stupid or unenlightened. Like it or not, I am
saying this as a friend of Europe who needs to tell this emperor that he
really does not have any clothes on.
A Thick Veil of
One of my most pressing questions is to know how those who had so much
light have become so deceived. But before continuing along this line of
thought, I must also make a distinction here between the European
politicians, the media, and the people of Europe. They are often very
different, just as there are at times a great gulf between the American
politicians, its media, and its people.
There is no question that Europeans, in general, are becoming increasingly
anti-American. However, when I have listened to such commentary from Asia,
or other parts of the world, even when it is negative toward America,
there was far more truth and accuracy to their evaluations, and often
their conclusions. As I have studied European commentary on the rest of
the world, I have concluded that this is also similarly flawed. This
cannot help but lead to the conclusion that there is a far more pervasive
and basic distortion in European thinking than there seems to be anywhere
else. This is not just in relation to the way they see Americans, but the
rest of the world, and even the way they see themselves. There is a thick
veil of darkness settling over Europe, and yet they seem to think their
brilliance is increasing.
Flawed Conclusions
Even the most brilliant reasoning will come to wrong conclusions if you do
not start with truth at the foundation. European thinking, in general, is
departing further and further from the foundations of truth, and therefore
their conclusions are increasingly flawed. One definition of insanity is
doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. The
two world wars of the twentieth century, which were the two greatest human
tragedies in history, were basically the result of failed European
policies. It does not seem that present European leadership has learned
one thing from those huge failures, and they are headed down the very same
road once again.
The present European preoccupation with America as being the source of
their problems, if not the world's problems, is only accelerating their
own catastrophe. At the same time they are blind to an impending disaster
which threatens to be even more devastating than the two great wars of the
previous century. The most common characteristic of successful people,
businesses, sports teams, and even nations, is that they never look for
outsiders to blame for their problems, but use that energy to look inside
themselves for solutions. The European media and its politicians are
increasingly dominated by blame seekers instead of solution seekers to the
point where they are actually causing the quicksand that they are sinking
Traditional Allies?
The more that I have come to understand European thinking in general, the
more alarmed I am to hear some Americans saying that we should strengthen
the ties to our "traditional allies" in Europe. America does have some
friends in Europe, but the continent is now overwhelmingly anti-American,
and is becoming more so all the time. In truth the New World does not have
many "traditional allies" in the Old World. We have in the last century
joined with some European nations to face the common enemies of fascism
and communism together, for which the whole world should be grateful.
However, once those common enemies were removed, the differences have
surfaced very fast. Europe will only appreciate America as long as we cow
tow to European thinking and interests, which we must not do. Europe is
fast plunging into another war that will devastate the continent. The
threat of this is not as much to America as to Europe, and yet the nations
most threatened by this are the very ones that seem bent on countering
every move America makes, who is currently fighting their war for them.
Europe is already hanging over the abyss and does not seem to even know
There is a saying that if you do not change your course, you will end up
where you are headed. Europe is headed for another continental war - one
that will be even more devastating than the last two if they do not wake
up very soon. I am sure when this happens there will be many Americans who
will again take the isolationist position to just let them stew in their
own juice as what they deserve. I personally would never advocate such a
course. As the present leader of the "free world," America has
responsibilities, even to those who are increasingly not our friends, but
in truth are even becoming the friends of our enemies.
Even so, there are many ways and interests that we still have in common
with Europe, some countries more than others. We now have an even greater
interest in helping the emerging free nations such as Russia, and her
former satellite countries that are experiencing transformation, and are
actually in many cases far greater friends of America already than our
"traditional allies." America's future foreign policy should focus much
more on the "new world" than the old. Europe is very close to falling to
an even greater tyranny and oppression than that which threatened it in
the last century. The gates of hell have been opened, and there are only a
handful of European nations that have even begun to see this and sound the
The Gates of Hell
Many Christians around the world view the European Union (EU) as the
platform upon which the antichrist will seek world dominance. There is
little question that the EU is a godless, and blatantly, anti-Christian
organization. It is also true many are saying that Europe has now become
"the dark continent," the most heathen territory on the planet. Its
political leaders seem to be increasingly void of both the nobility,
courage, and vision that many of their predecessors had. However, let us
not completely mark them off yet. Europe does have a history of repeatedly
coming to this same place, and some of the greatest and most noble leaders
in history have arisen in her midst to lead her out of the mire. I have
not given up this hope, and I make it my regular prayer. The primary
purpose of this bulletin is to stir up this prayer in others.
Even so, the gates of hell are wide open in Europe at this time, and the
evil is pouring through them. These are some of the same access points the
devil used before to try to destroy Europe. Along with the great leaders
that Europe had in its history, they also had their share of despots that
would have to be numbered among the most vile in history. That which has
been called the "Dark Ages" was basically European history. That period
was the result of religious intolerance, which surprisingly is the source
of the new darkness now sweeping over the continent. It has come in
another form, but it is the same demon.
Islam and the
Antichrist Spirit
The antichrist spirit that is now prevailing over Europe is also very
anti-religion of any sort, even though it is far more opposed to
Christianity than others. This is the very thing that is going to catapult
the continent into its next, even more devastating war. Christianity is
the only power that can keep much of Europe from being taken over by
Islam. Not wanting religion, they are going to end up dominated by the
most harsh, intolerant religion of all. Europeans are actually not far
from experiencing the kind of tyranny and oppression of the Taliban in
their own nations.
This is not to infer that all of Islam is like the Taliban. There are many
faces of Islam just as there are many faces to Christianity at this time.
There are Islamic nations that many Christians would probably prefer to
live in rather than in the type of darkness of soul and anti-God mentality
that is sweeping over Europe, which is already, in reality, renouncing
religious liberty by its practices. However, the kind of perversion and
darkness in Europe will be countered with a most oppressive form of Islam
when it takes over Europe.
European Population
Islam is now taking over Europe as surely as if armies were occupying its
cities. Because of what has happened to the core values of family and
marriage in much of Europe, Europeans are now experiencing a negative
population growth. One recent study estimated that Europeans were now
having 1.1 children per family, which alone would result in a 50 percent
reduction in the population. However, fewer people are marrying to even
make up a family. At the same time the Muslims in their midst are almost
all marrying, and having many children per family. Because of this alone,
some European nations are likely to have Muslim majorities in the next
decade. But, there is another factor that is likely to speed this along.
Turkey has made application for membership in the EU. They seem to have
met all of the qualifications and it will be hard to keep them out for
long. When they become members, the borders to all other EU nations are
immediately thrown open to free immigration from Turkey. This alone could
tip the balance and quickly lead to Muslim majorities in many European
nations very fast.
A Prophecy - You Cannot Talk
the Devil out of Being the Devil
Much of Europe will fall to Islam. At first it will seem a very benign
form of Islam rising in these nations, but that will not last long.
Muslims will not tolerate the level of perversion that is now so common in
Europe. There will be an attempt by the Muslim leadership to cleanse these
nations of the perversion and idolatry that will become more and more
extreme and ruthless. This will result in a war in Europe that will be
even more devastating than the last two world wars combined.
Presently, the EU political policy is feeding the continent right into
this trap because they still have not learned that you cannot talk the
devil out of being the devil. The price for not learning this after World
War I was a war many times more devastating in World War II. This is the
third time they have followed the same basic course, and it will lead to
an even more devastating conclusion than World War I and II combined -
much more.
Germany and Britain - the
Salvation of Europe
Germany, the nation that brought so much destruction to Europe in the last
century, is the main hope for the salvation of Europe in this one. The
European Union has been built on the back of the German economic strength,
and the Germans have been willing to pay a very high price for inclusion
into the European community. This is mostly the result of the continued
guilt many Germans feel because of the Nazi regime, which other European
leaders have learned how to use to manipulate Germany. However, the price
that the German people have to pay to carry this heavy burden for the rest
of Europe is far more than their leaders told them, and the benefits are
far less than they were promised. The German people will soon wake up to
this. Germany will awake to what is being done to them by the EU, and to
all of Europe by opening the door wide for Islam, and they will be one of
the ultimate sources of salvation for Europe.
The German people have a "martial gift." They are going to understand "the
Lord of hosts" (literally "the Lord of armies"), and they will follow Him.
Germany will help to stop Islam in Europe. At least for a time, Germany,
Britain, and America will form a genuine alliance, a much more natural
one, and will become pillars that uphold freedom and democracy in Europe,
as well as the rest of the world. This "cord of three strands" (see
Ecclesiastes 4:12), will ultimately be joined by many other partners in
this from the emerging democracies in the rest of the world.
What the enemy was able to use to bring so much destruction to Europe in
the last century, a conflict between Germany and Britain, will turn into
an alliance in the coming years that will be the salvation of Europe in
this century. Britain and Germany are natural allies, and together they
can save Europe. We must pray for Europe, and especially these two
countries. Both must cast off the guilt of the past, not forgetting its
lessons, but moving ahead using them to help them see more clearly the
moral compass they should follow. The British Empire accomplished far more
good for the world than bad, and the same is true for Germany throughout
history. These are two great cultures and peoples who have blessed the
world with great light and leadership in the past, and will do so again.
Summary - How did this tragic
fall happen?
Again, some of the points that I made in this brief bulletin are worthy of
a book, and I realize that such a bulletin is quite inadequate to
establish these points. Even so, I am conveying sober truth, not out of an
offense toward Europe, rather, out of love and respect for the nations
that have given so much to the world. Dark clouds are gathering over
Europe, while the light is diminishing quickly. A few brave souls are
starting to sound the alarm in Europe to what is happening, but very few
are hearing them. We must earnestly pray for Europe.
Right now the majority in Europe relish their status as a godless society.
Art does often prophesy, and as one European art critic recently wrote,
"the future of art is perversion." This is the future of Europe if it does
not change the course that it is on. It is getting darker, and there seems
to be a race to see who can be more perverted and more shocking. This is
not just in art, but in philosophy, and even theology as well. How did
this tragic fall happen?
This is a question that we need to understand because to close the "gates
of hell" or the access points through which hell is entering, we have to
at least know where they are. As my primary mission has been to Europe
over the last two decades, I have spent much time studying this fall. The
church has to accept much of the responsibility for it. When viewing much
of Europe's "Christian" history, it is understandable why so many
Europeans want nothing to do with anything Christian again.
A Separate Course vs.
A Death Spiral
Europe's history with Christianity is very different from that which is
found in the United States, and other "new world" and even "third world"
nations, but most Europeans fail to make these distinctions. Even so, I am
not offering here that American Christianity is the answer. We have our
own problems, and America is experiencing a similar meltdown in morality
and faith, for many of the same reasons Europe is sliding into the abyss.
However, some of America's own tragic fall from its devotion to God has
been its links to Europe. I do not believe that America can ever return to
its isolationist past, but we must guard who and how we join with other
nations. America must have the courage and wisdom to steer a separate
course from Europe in politics, religion, and business.
With the exception of Great Britain and Germany, America should look to
build our national ties to the British Commonwealth nations, Russia, Asia,
Africa, and our own hemisphere. Very soon she will be past the point of no
recovery until the next devastating war has run its course. Europe is on
an increasingly tightening death spiral and will pull down those who are
too closely linked with her. As any pilot knows who has recovered from a
death spiral, it usually takes a miracle that leaves us wondering how it
happened. Europe needs a miracle now. God will hear even just a few who
cry out to Him.