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What if It's All True???

If the Bible is true, then hundreds of millions of Americans will be lost forever! 

The numbers of those lost jumps into the billions if you look at all of the inhabitants on the Earth.  Jesus Himself said, “the road to eternal life was very narrow and few would find it." 

He also said the road to destruction was very  wide and many would go that way.” 

Each one of us has family members living in mortal danger right now because they have not accepted the free gift of eternal life found only in Jesus Christ. 

God has made it very clear in the scriptures that the Wrath of God will come upon all that is lost. 

Do you want proof?

Want to know more?  Read on


Ben Marler Jr 

What is this all about? I’m an evangelist. It is my duty to reach the lost with the saving message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I can’t do it alone. All of the evangelist on the Earth today can not do it even if they were together in one place. Our job, along with that of the apostles, prophets, (evangelist), pastors and teachers can’t either. It is our assignment to equip the Church to accomplish the Great Commission.

You can read this for yourself in Matthew’s Gospel. Read the last chapter and also the first chapter of the Book of Acts and you will see this is a command of God. It is a command and not a suggestion!

“And he who believes in (has faith in, clings to, relies on) the Son has 
(now possesses) eternal life. But who ever disobeys (is unbelieving toward, refuses to trust in, disregards, is not subject to) the Son will never see (experience) life, but [instead] the wrath of God abides on him. [God’s displeasure remains on him; His indignation hangs over him continually.]
John 3:36 Amplified Bible

Do you see what the Bible is telling us in very clear language? God is 
never mocked. Anyone who refuses to receive Jesus will be cast from His Presence forever. Millions of people go to Church each Sunday with 
absolutely no intention of being a disciple of Jesus Christ. 

A disciple is one who brings his or her life in submission to their Master. God is grieved over the vast numbers of people who will miss the joy of His Presence forever and ever in Heaven. 

The reason He has created us in His own image is that we could call Him Father and He can call us sons and daughters. We are not like the animals and other creatures. 

Ask yourself this question please if you claim to be a Christian. Am I living like a son or daughter of the Living God? If you are born again of His Spirit why aren’t you? Don’t you know you have experienced redemption and salvation through a saving faith in Jesus and His finished work at Calvary?

If you are a Christian in name only you have an excuse shared by many but all of the excuses in the world will not allow you to escape His fiery wrath which is to come. I don’t enjoy telling you this but I must or I would be failing Him who has called me as His servant. I can name large denominations that can not explain to you the simplicity of the born again experience. They call themselves Christians and will look you straight in the eye and tell you if you aren’t one of them you will be lost. They have been deceived!

If you will look at John 1:12 you will see it is necessary to RECEIVE Jesus as your Lord and Savior. "But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God."  To simply say I believe in Jesus and I have been baptized is not enough. Don’t you know the devil believes in Jesus? 

We must actually allow the Holy Spirit to come into our hearts by receiving the breath of the Lord Jesus Christ. When you hear the full Gospel and have come under conviction by the Holy Spirit you are looking for a Savior. There is only One. No one but Jesus has died for the sins of the whole world. No one but Jesus has shed His Blood from the cross at Calvary. No one but Jesus could have paid the penalty for our combined trillions of sins. God sent His Only Begotten Son Jesus to accomplish this so that we could escape the coming judgment. 

Jesus said, “I Am the Way the Truth and the Life, no man comes unto the Father but by Me.” Do you believe Him? If so, are you falling to your knees now as you read this?

Vast numbers of preachers will face judgment from Almighty God for watering down the Gospel. If you have read the Gospel you know that Jesus didn’t call us into a religious club or association. He has called us into His Own Body. We are to assemble for the purpose of continuing His powerful ministry. He said, “if you abide in Me and my Words abide in you ask and it shall be done for you.” He also said, “the things I do, you will do and even greater things shall you do that the Father may be glorified in the Son.” Tell me when is the last time you saw the things of Jesus being done in your Church.

A fine man of God told me recently, “you can preach healing in most Churches as long as you don’t expect anyone to be healed.” He should know. He was healed of cancer and since then has been used of God to bring healing to others. He has spoken in over 200 churches and has been teaching Sunday school at a large Baptist Church where the above is the case. 

Can you believe this? It is true! God’s people don’t walk their talk most of the time. What about you? Are you a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ? Do you believe what He has said? Are you making a daily commitment of your life to be His witness? If you are you have a wonderful future before you.

If on the other hand you are an agnostic, many Christians are, then what do you expect God to say to you on Judgment Day? Well done My good and faithful servant, enter now into the joy of your Master? You can forget it. The Bible is true, all of it. And, you and I and everybody else on this planet better believe it too. If you do believe it, will you make a commitment to God right now to change your ways (repent) and do His will? I hope thousands after reading this now will. What if you refuse? Can God save you? Yes He can, but He won’t, because He said He wouldn’t. God always keeps His Word, for good and for bad. Please teach this to your children if you have any.

The Bible says this world will disappear in a flash one day. Then, God will create a new Earth and new heavens. The Holy City we will live in is  already made. In Revelations 21 it is called the New Jerusalem. This is  where we will live. It is 1500 miles cubed in size. There is a wall around it 216 feet high. There are 12 gates of clear pearl set in these walls, three on each side. There is no need of a sun or moon as God Himself is there. He is Light. No one will ever hunger, suffer, cry or ever be in need there. We will live as God’s own family. Millions and millions of  angels will be about us along with the Heavenly Host continually worshipping God. We will too!

We will live in such splendor and joy that our earthly bodies could not bear it. In our new bodies God will give us opportunities to serve Him in the Cosmos. We will never be older than about thirty. Our bodies will be perfect in every way. Our loved ones will always be there without the  threat of ever losing them. Isn’t this wonderful? I could go on and on but I think you are getting the picture.

It is our duty as God’s adopted children (born again of the Spirit of Jesus) to take this Good News (Gospel) to the majority who are without hope. If you love Jesus this is something you automatically want to do. His Spirit within you compels you to look with God’s sympathy upon them. One of my favorite verses says about Jesus, “He was moved with compassion.” Shouldn’t we too be moved by compassion when we see people in grave danger of spending eternity in Hell? 

If you desire to know more about this Jesus Christ who loves you, and you want to ask Him  into your heart, receiving His Saving Grace please click on this Salvation Prayer

Go back to Questions III