Feelings will often get
us into trouble. We are cast to and fro according to the dictates of
instantaneous feeling. Momentary happenings can trigger them and we feel
condemned, or euphoric.
Feelings are too changeable and deceptive. It all starts with gods love for us all, "For God so loved the world that he gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16 On the cross Jesus took it all. "Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." Romans 8:1 The book of Isaiah foretold this hundreds of years beforehand. The life we now live is not the end. There is life after death, or so to speak... life into eternity... or an eternal death according to what your decisions are today, with respect to Jesus. Want to know more? Read on |
How Can I Be Sure of my Faith? Robbie L. Rogers I figured God wanted to take all the fun ought of life, making things boring and tedious. It was best if I let things well enough alone. So what if things we not working out okay, at least I was in control, even if it was in a tail spin sometimes, nobody was going to tell me how to run my life. Eventually though... I gave my life to Christ. I figured it couldnt get worse. When a person accepts Christ as their Lord and Savior they become a new creature, inside and out. I was not the same. The questions I had about the scriptures, the seemingly fairy tales, I wondrously now knew were true. How could I have been so blind before. Now I see with new eyes, now I hear with greater clarity what was hidden and obscure. "Yet to all who receive Him, to those who believed in His name, he gave the right to become children of god." John 1;12 "I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life." I John 5:13 Jesus says in Revelation 3:20, "Here I am! I
stand at the door and Jesus, the light of the world, stands at the ivy and weed choked door. The door to our life. He will not force His way in. The door has no knob on the outside, so he cannot enter unless we ask Him in, opening the door to our hearts. He wants to become part of our life. Once we open up to Him, He promises he will never leave us alone. Matthew 28:20, "I am with you always." Sometimes when my wife works on her weaving, I take my laptop into the room with her. Even though we are not saying much, were are content, knowing we are in each others presence. Thats the way it feels with Jesus as our savior. Through Him we can have a personal relationship with God, Holy Spirit and Jesus. One day Jesus will come back for His willing servants, to establish a new heaven and earth. Then those who are in Christ will go to "be with the Lord forever" (Revelation 21:1) We will see Jesus face to face (I Corinthians 13:12); and, given glorious painless resurrection bodies (I Corinthians 15), and be transformed into the mortal likeness of Jesus Christ (I John 3:2). The great part is, none of this depends on you are me, it is simply a gift from god, springing from Christs willing Crucifixion. We do not and cannot earn it, we must accept it with full gratitude. After becoming a Christian, we change, partly because we professed we would, partly because, He helps us through releasing in us the Holy Spirit. Now, we should all become Baptized, as a sign of our commitment and redemption. We should find a Church to be part of. For now, we are expected to grow in the Lord and produce Fruit. A grape vive or a fruit tree cannot produce fruit if it remains alone. It must have the help of its brothers and sisters. Together there is cross pollination, exchanging of Gifts, gifts of the Spirit. Then your faith will flourish and grow, that you may do things you never dreamed you could. Things that bring you life. Things that bring new life to others. Before I came to the Lord I avoided people, walking across the street, not looking in their direction. I stayed in my place acting out the part of the lone tree in a field of promise. Now I eagerly seek out those whom God places in my path, and seek the things He desires of me each day. It brings me closer to Him. And, in knowing Him I gain more knowledge and therefore more Faith. "Are you saved brother," was a catch phrase when I was growing up, professing to be a Baptist, a Christian in defense, I always answered in the affirmative, "Yes!" But, I really was not. I only used the term as a vaccination against the question, and a badge to use at Church. I was baptized and taught Sunday school and did Christian things, but had little or no faith. I thought some of the scriptures were little more than fairy tails, until I decided to Give Christ a try. Then all the pieces that I thought was an un-fixable puzzle fell into place. I then without a shadow of doubt I knew the God who created everything loved me and did all the things the scripture told of. The vengeful God I had grown accustomed to walking away from suddenly became the Loving God who had been chasing after me for 27 years. Now I know where I will be spending eternity. I will spend it with Him. It is not arrogant to be sure. Are you... sure? You can be. You too can have new life, a life full of the promises from God. A Life full of Faith! If you desire to know more about this Jesus Christ who loves you, and you want to ask Him into your heart, receiving His Saving Grace please click on this Salvation Prayer |
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