Who in the world are the Mountain Movers? The right answer comes from the Holy Scriptures. Jesus said if our faith were the size of a mustard seed (the smallest of the garden seeds) it would be enough to move a mountain or uproot a sycamore tree and cast it into the sea. Why would He say such a thing? It's obvious He doesnt want His faithful followers rearranging the landscape, but He does want us to be ones who can do the Works that He did and even greater (or more) than He. Again we must ask the question why? I believe we can discover this for ourselves if we read the scriptures with the goal of coming to know Jesus intimately. He wants us to be just like Him in our dedication to the Father. Want to know more? Read on! |
This statement got Him into a lot of trouble. His enemies, primarily the Pharisees and Sadducees were quick to jump on Him when He claimed to be Gods own Begotten Son. They could not grasp this Truth. The scriptures were clear that the Messiah would be called EMMANUEL, or God with us. They simply were not broken in spirit, or humble enough, before God and missed Him. You know,
Jesus only wept two times according to the scriptures. Once when Lazarus
died and another time when He wept over Jerusalem just before His crucifixion. Both of these times He wept because they did not recognize
Him. Isnt this true of you and me too? I want so much to be faithful, but from time to time I fail Him. This bothers me more than I can say. There are lots and lots of mountains out there that He wants you and me to move. God the Father is honored every time I do. You see, it wasnt my
idea to move it in the first place, it was Almighty Gods. When Jesus came
to Earth He only had one goal and that was to please the Father. Shouldnt
this be our goal too? Of course, but are not we also often included
with those who tend to walk by sight and not by faith? You know the answer to this question. He had carefully prepared them before He sent them out to do mighty works. On one occasion they returned very excited that even the evil spirits (fallen angels) were subject to them (in His Name of course). What did He say to them? He said, I know, I rejoiced
as I saw Satan fall from Heaven like fallen stars but dont be excited about
this but rather be glad that your names are written down in Heaven. He was
referring to the little book of life. In this book, God records the names
of those who have surrendered their lives to Christ. Is your name there
now? If it isnt yet, dont plan on moving any mountains any time soon. We are never His until we surrender and receive Jesus. Please chip this in stone somewhere in your heart. There are millions and millions of believers out there who have never allowed Jesus to come into their lives. You can bet the farm they will never move a mountain. But, the evil one can make them think they can. He is a deceiver or liar according to Jesus. When they fail, they fall farther and farther away from Him. He said there would be a great apostasy (falling away) before the end time. Beware; there is a terrible stumbling block waiting for us if we are not careful. God calls it pride. This is an unclean or evil spirit that comes straight from Satan. Jesus was the most humble person ever to walk on the Earth. He never allowed this spirit or any of the others to deter Him. He had only one plan and that was to do the Fathers will perfectly. He was always alert to the Holy Spirit who empowered Him. Jesus did not have time to be proud. He was very single minded in all that He did. Are you and I so like-minded? I wish I could say I always am but I cant. I want so much to please God for all that He has done for me. I know how bad a person I
was when He allowed me to join His family. I was very religious and in my
mind very bad. I was infected with pride and selfishness. These are two
traits most unlike Jesus. For the last 29 years He has been working on me
in both areas. He says He will complete the work He began in us. I believe God is going to take His family out of
here before the terrible times come. I know some dont believe this but I
trust you will as you come to know Jesus more and more. As you do, you will
find and live in His shalom (peace). This joy (elixir) is so powerful and overwhelming that it generally brings tears to me. I hope you will use this scripture for at
least seven straight days. If you do, I believe you will never stop. This
requires a discipline, which I believe all disciples should have anyway.
What do you think? PTL! If you desire to know more about Jesus Christ who loves you, and you want to ask Him into your heart, receiving His Saving Grace please click on this Salvation Prayer |
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