Are Changing Times Changing You?
We Christians ought to take the same patience and determination to do good with which the evil doers take to do evil. Instead we wait for blessings to come to us from God, from the things we pray, often asking as a spoiled child in wrong motives, or else not at all. Read Isaiah 5:20 It is said that the opposite of good is evil; and this is what is coming. In George Orwell's "1984", the Brotherhood asks? "Are you prepared to give your life? "Are you prepared to commit murder? "Are you prepared to commit acts of sabotage which may cause the death of hundreds of innocent people? "Are you prepared to betray your country to foreign powers? "Are you prepared to cheat, to forge, to blackmail, to corrupt the minds of children, to distribute habit forming drugs, to encourage prostitution, to disseminate venereal diseases -- to do anything which is likely to cause demoralization and weaken the power of the people? "Are you prepared to commit suicide, if and when we order you to do so? Thus we say the end justifies the means." Well my friend, you may not know it but types of these have been and are sworn to today by many societies throughout the world. Want to know more, read on. |
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Robbie L. Rogers My motto: "DO IT NOW, GOD WILL SHOW YOU HOW!" God's will is not mysterious - not just given to special people -- except with respect those whom God chose to become children of God, those given the gift of understanding; and even at that, we know God's word says he desires that all would be saved; or that they be full of his knowledge or will. We, hopefully, know that we are saved, not by our deeds, not by our sacrifices, but by the gift of God through Jesus Christ; and, we needn't worry when it comes time for us to hear Jesus knocking at the door saying, "Come up here"; even though Matthew 7:21 indicates some will be turned away, we have our assurances. Jesus is mainly alluding there to tribulations and to the end of it, to those drawn aside through false teachings, teachings contrary to God's character, or His words and promises. And, those who are cast aside will say "Lord, did we not prophesy, casting out demons and perform miracles in your name?" These people are worshiping other Gods, using the name of Jesus falsely; such as those who will be coming and gaining strength during the new age movement and the rise in power of practicing homosexuals in leadership within the church and our nation. All we need to do to be included, as opposed to being cast into the lake of fire, is to do God's will, which is to believe Jesus Christ is the son of God, sent from God to offer us forgiveness and a personal salvation; thereby we gain the faith we need and believe, seeking to feed on and live in the promises, attempting to live a changed life according to the ability God gave us for becoming righteous, that is a good, faithful, obedient servant, having a good relationship with God and other people, gaining in righteous actions, deeds, spreading the gospel and helping to strengthen fellow Christians; never trying to make Christianity into a worldly religion in order to get along with those in the world that would draw you aside.. That's not really a tall order in itself, only the degree to which you are able to accomplish it is. JESUS SAID IN MATTHEW 7:16-18 Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes, nor figs from thistles, are they? Even so every good tree bears good fruit; but, a rotten tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, nor can a rotten tree produce good fruit." In Romans 8:26 we are promised that all things work to the good for those who love the Lord Jesus Christ, and of those called according to His purposes. In other words, we might occasionally produce fruit that is, shall we say not quite up to par; or some might even say down right rotten; but, a righteous person is judged as being so by doing the best at living, what... a righteous life according the God's word, found in the scripture. It is not our job to worry over the quality of fruit we produce, only the Master of the vineyard or orchard knows what type fruit He needs for the harvest, His Harvest. Some fruit is often grown simply for the production of seeds; some to be dried and preserved; some to make wine; some liqueur, some for juice, and even some for animal fodder, meaning nonbelievers; and some for great feasts; whose fruit is the greater or lesser among these? All of these types of fruit can sometimes be taken from the same tree or vine, yet, some trees or vines are dedicated to a specific task, aren't they? Only the master grower knows what is a good fruit when it comes from His garden! What kind of tree or vine are you? Hybrid or run of the mill? Or, are you to be found alone on your own private property, unable to produce fruit -- for fruit depends on a blossoming and sharing from those nearby. What good are blossoms, that produce no fruit? Or salt if it has no meaning? All of God's trees are loved and treated according to our's and His' needs. However, even if we screw up royally, like say King David did, what does God promise us, if we ask for forgiveness? Jeremiah 23:29 His word is like a fire -- a hammer on our wrong deeds! He always forgives! HEBREWS 4:12 tells us the word of God is alive and powerful, sharp enough to divide our soul and spirit, able to judge our thoughts and intentions from our inner being, this is a powerful means of communication is it not?!!! Prayer with God is literally a communication network where He and we, through Jesus and the Holy Spirit, exchange the gifts, knowledge and blessings. Think of it, we are given private information as to the workings, the methods of God, the creator of all things. I have some questions scattered throughout this writing that I would like for you to pray about concerning His will in your life. Some of these things I believe God wants us to have complete assurances concerning them. Have you read Psalm 119? You should, and please remember Romans chapter 12-15 and Matthew chapter 5-10. Hey! These scriptures contain the crux of the real gift to you from God. Sort of like looking at a private diary, an account of the hot line between Himself and His children for a brief moment. Read them! Digest them! Feed upon the manna He freely gave! Many grave things are about to befall us! I believe we are the last to see the world as it is, if not us our children. Never before have so many signs pointed to such a happening as the second coming of Christ. How will you know? How will you hear? What will become of you and your loved ones? The new age appears to be just the opposite of the truth, or that of Jesus Christ and of the fulfilling of God's promises. The new age believer will be told and is being told, "You could be a god in the next moment if only those horrible Christians weren't around to poison your attitudes." Alexis de Tocqueville in 1832 wrote, after trying to find the secret of America. "I sought the greatness and genius of America in her commodious harbors and her ample rivers, and it was not there. I sough the greatness and genius of America in her fertile fields and her boundless forests, and it was not there. I sought the greatness and genius of America in her rich mines and her vast world commerce, and it was not there. I sought the greatness and genius of America in her public school system and her institutes of learning, and it was not there. I sought the greatness and genius of America in her democratic congress and her matchless constitution and it was not there. Not until I went into the churches of America and heard from her pulpits, flame with righteous, did I understand the secret of her genius and power. America is great because America is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great." Read John 16:1-4 Jesus says the time will come when those who kill you will think he is doing a service to God. This new world order, new age, will sail on a sea of blood, that of those who are left as a remnant. And the last shall be first, or the greatest saith the Lord. Many claim the new world-wide leader shall be called Lord Maitreya, also claiming he is the Fifth Buddha, Krishna, Imam Mahdi, the Messiah, the Christ, and that he descended July 1977 in the Himalaya Mountains along the border of India and Tibet. They claim he is patiently waiting the appointed time to reveal his existence before he will apparently assume the leadership of religions, taking them into a one-world religion. They further claim Christ is not the name of an individual, but rather that of an office, or function within the spiritual hierarchy. This new world order or new age will thusly issue in an era which shall: 1. Implement a world government and religion. 2. A universal credit card system. 3. World food authority system of controls. 4. Universal taxation. 5. Universal military or governmental service draft. 6. Destruction of those who oppose them, mainly Christians. So what does this mean? Nothing but opportunities to serve the Lord if you are established as we have talked about. You will surely hear God, and even if not you will understand from whence the evil comith and resist it. We have been concerned with the problem of ordaining homosexuals or even marrying them within the context of the Church, have we not? There should be no question as to what to do to the true Christian. Yes, as Christians we should and must resist the devil and he will flee; even if necessary, from the church if it becomes corrupt. God tells us through Paul that all authority is established from God, and therefore should be obeyed, except when it shall go against God's oracles, His word. Therefore laws, put forth by man -- society, shall be obeyed, shall it not? In 1983 the 2nd District Court of Appeals decided the Boy Scouts of America did not have the right to refuse membership to homosexuals. This decision has been used to include virtually every group or organization since that ruling. Is it so hard to see that it will be so used against the church, against the ordination of clergy, against the laws forbidding marriage between the same sex, against multiple partners? It is by no means but a hop-skip-and-a-jump to force churches into admitting avid atheists. Only a short time will make all manner of degradation become apparent. What about our future generations, is there no hope? The court freely exercises the right to intervene when federal monies are being used in the support of an individual or in the case of a violation of a law. As we know all laws come from man, put forth to govern thereby establishing the wishes of the majority over and for the good of all, so be it said. Therefore laws have always changed according to the dictates of the good or evil of the time, or as the pendulum swings so shall morality, so say some. Many children today, against or with the consent of the parents are being given "Retalin" to supposedly cause normal behavior. That is children who are determined to have a childhood disease called Attention Deficit Disorder, or Minimal Brain Dysfunction, or those who have been predetermined to have Learning Disorders. The Manual for The Psychiatric Industry or Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders' issues the following (partial) list to judge symptoms of such a disorder. Inattention: At least three of the following, exhibiting activity like: failing to finish things; doesn't seem to listen; easily distracted; difficulty in concentration in school work or other tasks; etc. Impulsivity: At least three of the following, exhibiting activity like: often acts before thinking; shifts excessively from one activity to another; etc. Hyperactivity: At least three of the following, exhibiting activity like: running about or climbing excessively; difficulty staying still; fidgets excessively; etc. Ritalin, has another name, people on the streets call it "speed." It can cause nervousness, insomnia, skin rashes, dermatitis, nausea, dizziness, headaches, drowsiness, blood pressure and pulse changes, fast heart beat, and weight loss. All this is being prescribed by a profession which was not admitted as a science and thereby qualifying as a medical doctor until modern times; and how many of us trust them today? How many of us if we were in the circumstances would have been forced into such a drugged state, while our young minds tried to grow; such a new age might have been thrust upon us years ago if so? Many say people have for years tried to change the world into one government. It happened in Russia, when asked, Alexandria Solzhenitsyn formulated a concise explanation as to why the ruinous revolution of the Bolsheviks murdered some 60 million of his fellow countrymen. He said, "Men have forgotten God: that's why all of this has happened." Our Constitution with its three levels of government is what stops them here, but that will change soon if the so called enlightened groups have their way. Sure Jesus Christ will someday establish a real one-world government, but not a new age counterfeit only fit for destruction and ushering in the Antichrist. Pope Felix III issued this warning, " Not to oppose error is to approve it, and indeed to neglect to confound evil men, when we can do it, is no less a sin than to encourage them." "But, those things don't effect me," you say? How about the fact that the ratio between workers and those receiving federal benefits are now 1:1.7. How soon will it be 1:1, meaning for every one person whom doesn't depend on the government there will soon be one who does; and, those dependent on government funds must subject themselves to government regulations, or lose their rights to such funds and/or face jail terms from a failure to comply. Already parents are being forbidden to spank or even discipline them in the ways they feel they should. Ways not at all severe or harsh, but, ways unacceptable to those now in control, the free thinking liberal who mostly comprise the new age and metaphysical thinking These are the facts of now... not conjectures of the future. According to an article published in the New York Times, Aug 16, 1988: "George Bush will confidently take leadership of the new age, a new day, our new sunlit day, a true meaning of community with a thousand points of lights in a broad a peaceful sky." The new age or Millennium Society or whatever you want to call it claimed this would happen on or about the year 2000. According to the Arizona Daily Star, Jan 3, 1989, George Bush said to such a society, "Barbara and I wish you the best of luck and we are looking forward to celebrating the next century in Egypt in 1999." A Millennium Society celebration was held at the Great Pyramids of Cheops in Giza. Our then current president planed to celebrate the ushering in of the New Age, the New World Order, or the millennium reign of Lord Maitreya, or Lucifer as many commonly know him. I think as history recorded it, he did not go and now his son, a righteous and repentant leader is in place to make a new difference, and he shall, God willing. However, America remains sick! The world is sick, and getting worse if
we read the book of Revelation we know it will only get worse until the
Apostasy happens. However, if we truly seek God, repenting and Pray with right motives many things can turn around. II Chronicles 7:14 "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then I will hear from heaven, and forgive their sin, and will heal their land." Was the election of George Bush junior a direct result of the many, many, people praying according to the above scripture, that is repenting? It is time to do something. The word "Christian" ought to be a verb. We ought to be always in action, doing God's will. Make this your goal: introduce at least one person to Christ during the next 12 months; that's not to much to ask is it? But, you know what, if every Christian person brought one person to Christ every year Christianity would double each year. Psst! It's okay if you bring more than one a year. Please read 1 Peter 2:15; Luke 22:32 and pray about the following questions: What do you know about God's will for your life? How do you know you are saved? Have you been truly converted or just giving lip service? What is God saying to you? Are you really different from before? What is the character of God? Do you believe Jesus can understand "plain talk". How do you pray, each morning, setting your feet on solid ground, or on the fly? What does God want for you today? Do you seek God's guidance through the Holy Spirit? Do you apply it? How do you know where your ministry is? Your place in the Masters Service. Are you a moving force or an immovable object? What do you think the difference between the direction you want to go and God's is worth to your future? Do you ask for all the gifts? Or, are you afraid of the consequences? Do you trust in mankind, our deeds, man's intuition, man's knowledge, or God's. Do you really have faith in God? Are you truly prepared to give a testimony of why you have the hope in you; or, are you too embarrassed to share Jesus Christ with others; what about your family? How do you get back, right with God, when you fail? Do you have rights as a born again card carrying Christian as to that of others? Do you understand what the will of God is? How can you attain it? Is it something you are given privy to? In that day when Jesus says He does not know them! Is this to be you? Do you believe your blessings are in direct proportions to your faith? If you seek the Lord, in His ways, how much more do you think He will give to you? Do you believe God will disclose things to you which are privy to no one else, and times when you should share what He has given unto you. Is your faith private, no body's business but your own? Do you really believe God will give you words to speak and power to act when the Holy Spirit nudges you to? Do You really trust God to do what is right for you, in all things in your life? Everything is open to the eyes of Jesus Christ! He is our high priest. We can trust him! He had and has compassion for us in our weakness; therefore we can come before him in our needs, when we need help, and during these changing times we surely need help! The answer to the above questions as you receive them from God are for you! However always be ready to give an account as to why you have the hope that is within you! When you feel led by the Holy Spirit -- be ready to answer those whom you need to share with, for in that sharing whole orchards and vineyards are created, giving a great abundance to the Master whose desire or will is simply that all would be saved!!!! If you desire to know more about this Jesus Christ who loves you, and you want to ask Him into your heart, receiving His Saving Grace please click on this Salvation Prayer |