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Robbie L. Rogers

It is not complimentary to the masses that they are so easily led, but we are not interested in praising or blaming; we are concerned for truth, and the truth is that for better or for worse religious people follow leaders. A good man may change the moral complexion of a whole nation; or a corrupt and worldly clergy may lead a nation into bondage.

While this statement is true and you may consider what I am about to say as semantics there lies a deeper word to inject here... repentance.

God showed me many years ago that leadership (chosen by the population and placed by Him) is simply a reflection of the people being led. In-other-words, unless they be righteous, they will not chose a righteous leader. In like mater, in that we do not have righteous leadership, in many instances in the church, we need only look at ourselves, those who are being led by the church for guilt or blame. To change the congregational aspect of the church the people must them self change, repent.

Only repentance, whether complete or partial will usually bring forth righteous and lasting leadership. If you look back on the old testament and study its people and the generational aspect of each king you will see the truth in this statement. However, through true repentance an instant (miraculous) change can occur and an unrighteous leader will either be changed or removed from office.

Nevertheless, if what is happening is due to unrighteous acts causing discipline, then either God must miraculously change events or we must suffer through that period (discipline) until our repentance will cause new leaders to be (always from God) brought forward.

Of course as Romans 13:1&2 says, no authority exists except from God, and we should not rebel against His established authority. This is not an easy pill to swallow, but if they are requiring you to go against His established will, then you must obey His will even if it lead to such rebellion and death.

Still, a righteous leader (chosen by God to change His people) can be (placed miraculously by God) elected (ordained) which will effectively change the people. Nonetheless, it is either our repentance or God’s chosen will that brings about such a change. We may simply have faith in a voting process or in a God who has our best interest at heart, but never the leader who leads us, for they are simply people of clay feet such as we.