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"Is positive, encouraging and realistically optimistic."
What Makes A Good Leader?

Lyric Wallwork Winik  

In this week’s “Intelligence Report,” Lyric Wallwork Winik writes about the Army War College’s recent study of leadership qualities among Army generals. Below is more on their findings:

“Leadership Lessons at Division Command Level - 2004,” was a study conducted between March and October 2004. The authors surveyed members of four Army divisions that had spent 12 to 15 months serving in Operation Iraqi Freedom. Their intent was to identify “those behaviors that are crucial for contemporary leader effectiveness” and to suggest “methods for inculcating those behaviors.”

The study determined that interpersonal skills are more critical to good leadership than technical know-how. Below is the study’s “Big 12” list of the most critical leadership behaviors:

• Keeps cool under pressure
• Clearly explains missions, standards and priorities
• Sees the big picture; provides context and perspective
• Can make tough, sound decisions on time
• Adapts quickly to new situations and requirements
• Sets high standards without a “zero defects” mentality
• Can handle bad news
• Coaches and gives useful feedback to subordinates
• Sets a high ethical tone; demands honest reporting
• Knows how to delegate and not “micromanage”
• Builds and supports teamwork within staff and among units
• Is positive, encouraging and realistically optimistic