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Shirley D. Lise

I am moving on your behalf. I hear the cries of your heart and I am moving forth to answer. You are not alone, or on you own. I have given you everything you need. I am soliciting many to join you in the endeavor to outreach. There is a ringing of the bell, calling into the Kingdom of God those whom I have chosen. They are being dressed in proper apparel and will sit with the Lord at His banqueting table. Your sons and your daughters shall be My guests at the feast. I have not forsaken them. I have not turned a deaf ear and left them. 

I will prove My love and faithfulness to you. I shall send you into places to rescue then perishing. I have given you the gifts, the equipment to bear much fruit for the kingdom of God and I will raise up a ministry in your midst that will accommodate My good deeds. I am shuffling things around.

Nothing will remain as it was. I am removing the stumbling blocks and giving you clear paths. Great is My plan to reach the nations in this day. Great is My power at work to turn the hearts of the children back to the Father.

I am silencing the enemy and putting to an end his accusations. I have directed the flow of My Spirit out into the streets to reach those far and wide. No longer is it contained within the walls of an earthly structure. I have broken the wine bottles that lined the shelf and spilled out the wine to the poor, to the helpless, to those who have been without hope. The wine is sweet and those tasting it are being changed by it. They are being taken out of the futility of their thinking and brought into right-relationship with the
Heavenly Father.

You will see that I am no respecter of persons, that My wine is being made available to all. This is the day of salvation and many are being brought in, hearing and responding to the invitation to come to the King's banquet. I will satisfy the wanderer.  I will make a place for him at the table. I long for every man, woman, and child to come into the fullness of My presence, to taste and see that the Lord is good, and I am moving forth throughout the land, gathering in the grapes. The clusters are being taken off the vine and brought into the storehouses of the Lord and great shall be the intake.

Position yourself for a great increase in demonstration of power to speak forth the word of the Lord with all authority to take down the high places and to bring the light and truth of the gospel to men. Many are they who have not known the Lord, who have known of Him, but have not known Him. I am making Myself known in this day. I am pouring out My Spirit upon all flesh and a revelation of the Lord is being released into the earth. The harvest fields are ripe and the harvesters are being sent out into them to
gather in the grain. Position yourself to gather. Pick the fruit of the vineyard, for it is ripe for picking.

Do not be burdened down with the cares of this world. Realize that the Heavenly Father has a plan and a purpose to fulfill in this day and that you are a vessel chosen of Him to accomplish His purposes. Do not be swayed off track, but continue in quiet surrender to the will of God for your life and you will see the fruit of your labor. I am saying to you in this day that all systems are "Go." There is no turning back to the old ways. Go in the name of the Lord and make disciples of all men.

It is time. The time is here when all men shall hear the good news of salvation. Wash your robes, don your wedding apparel, for the wedding banquet is ready and those who receive the message gladly will enter into the presence of the King. Come, all you who are burdened and heavy laden, cast all your cares on Me, and I shall bring you into life.

The time is here. The time is now. Do not hesitate to respond to the call going forth through the land in this day. All eyes shall be on the Savior. Hearts will be turned to the Father in Heaven, and all things shall be returned to those who have suffered loss. All shall be restored and brought into the Kingdom. Dine with the King of Kings, come and dine. I will make for Myself a holy nation, a royal priesthood. I will raise up a people of power, of praise, of prayer. I will raise up a people who know their God and who will serve Him in His holy place.

Take of the bread and wine, that which was broken and spilled for you. Partake of the life available to you through the shed blood of Jesus, the One who died for you to ransom you from the hands of the enemy. Go into the world. Teach the people to observe all that I taught and did. Do not leave anything out, but give a full account of the work of redemption.

Instruct the people to observe with loyalty everything that was done for them. Tell them their sins are wiped away, that they are free. I authorize you to set the captives free, to loose the chains of injustice. I am giving you authority to break off the hold of the enemy over the lives of the people. Prophesy life and liberty, for power is in the words you speak!