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Core belief and Salvation & the renewal of the Church

The Rev’d Dr Peter Toon   

If a pagan in ancient times or a secular humanist today is to become a Christian, a disciple of Jesus Christ, an adopted child of God, and a baptized believer what is he required by God, who calls him, to believe, be and do?

Obviously he is to believe the Gospel, and as he does so he is also to repent of sin and begin to obey Christ, as he is baptized and admitted into church fellowship.

In order to believe the Gospel initially he has to believe certain basic things which are presupposed by the Gospel – e.g., that God is the Creator, Judge and Redeemer of the world, and that man is God’s creature and loved by him.

Then in order to know the depth of his sin, the basics of his moral duty, the facts of the Christian Faith and the principles of prayer, he has to learn the content and meaning of the Ten Commandments, the Creed and the Lord’s Prayer.

Further, in obedience to Christ, he will gradually learn from Scripture his privileges and responsibilities/duties both within the church and within the world. He will grow in understanding of his vocation as a Christian believer and as that understanding grows then will know better the blessings of God and the duties of discipleship.

Thus what was required by God of him for salvation at the final moment of his being a pagan or secular humanist will be less than but intimately related to what is required of him after he has been baptized and become a full church member. In fact he can never return to the original position in terms of answering the question, “What must I do to be saved?”  For what must be believed and be done before God increases as the Christian disciple grows in the grace and knowledge of God – for much is required of those to whom much is given.

If we look at things in this way then we can see why the Quicunque Vult [The Athanasian Creed] states that it is necessary for Christians who are surrounded and bombarded by heresy to believe the full Christian doctrine of the Trinity and the Incarnation/Person of Christ in order to be saved (see the September issue of The Mandate for much useful material on this important Creed both as doctrine and as a Christian Psalm – available from 1 800 727 1928.

Certainly what is required by God of sinners for them to enter the narrow gate that is the entry to the road to eternal life is, at the time of entry, much, but when viewed from the other side of the gate on the pilgrimage to heaven it is seen to be the minimum, the beginning of God’s requirements of his beloved, adopted children.

So is it necessary for a person converting to Christ to believe the full dogma of the Blessed Trinity?  No.  But is it necessary for a Christian in church membership who has been catechized to believe the whole dogma?  Yes.

We need to place in this kind of context such questions as, “Is the doctrine of ordination part of the belief necessary for salvation?” Again, for the person at conversion, the answer is No. However, later, when he has been taught the doctrine of Divine Order & Ministerial, then the answer becomes Yes.

Look at it this way.

We are called to believe the whole counsel of God, to be wholly sanctified, to be perfect in love and holiness, and to obey Christ totally. As we move gradually forward into God’s grace, step by step, forward a little, back a little, what we are to believe unto salvation grows as we learn more of God’s revelation to his church. There are three tenses to the verb “to save” --- past (saved in the Atonement and Resurrection of Jesus), present (being saved as faith, hope and love are exercised) and future (shall be saved at the last day).

This is why it was quite wrong of the ECUSA after the trial of Bishop Righter (which I attended) to come to speak of “core doctrine” and then to state that homosexual conduct is not part of the core. This was an artificial distinction made by the spiritually blind in order to defend the disobedience of God’s law by their friends. A bishop presumably as a teacher of the Faith and pastor of the pastors has moved on in the Christian pilgrimage and therefore what is required of him by God is much, very much – “Woe unto the pastors that feed not the flock…” 

This is why it is also quite wrong of those today who claim for themselves the descriptions of “biblical” and orthodox”, and stand over against the homosexual lobby in the Anglican/Episcopal Churches, to argue that the serious innovations of ECUSA between the 1960s and 2000 and before the innovation of blessing “gay couples living in committed relationships” do not belong to salvation and therefore are secondary. Therefore, the only thing to be opposed is the homosexual agenda! (Regrettably the missives of African bishops speaking of the USA tend to give this impression as well.)

What is required for salvation of  The Network’s members and the members of the Canadian Essentials [ as for me also!] is much more than what they/I preach to others when the/I seek to obey the Great Commission of Matthew 28 and evangelize modern secularized people. And the reason why is that to all of us much has been given in grace and mercy and great are our duties and responsibilities.

If this principle is accepted then it can be seen immediately that beginning to put the Anglican Way in the right direction is MUCH MUCH more than getting rid of the offensive homosexual agenda. It is a matter of obedience, holiness and walking with the Lord together and as individuals. It includes also getting dogma right ( for it is not right in the 1979 Prayer Book of ECUSA or the 1985 of Canada); it is getting Order right (for it is not right in ECUSA or in the Anglican Church of Canada); it is getting Bible translation right (for it is not right in most of the Versions used in the USA and Canada) and it is above all getting Worship right and distinguishing worship from evangelistic and seeker services!  We are to worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness and to glorify Him and Him only!

What is required for salvation for the mature in Christ is according to what they have received from Christ and what he has taught and shown them! Let us not work on the assumption that what is required of the babe in Christ is the same as that which is required of the adult!

[See further  Neither Orthodoxy Nor A Formulary by Dr Lou Tarsitano & Dr Peter Toon from 1 800 727 1928 or  www.anglicanmarketplace.com ]

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