Why Do Bad Things
Happen? A dam and Eve were made perfect and lived in a perfect world; sin entered because they believed Satan’s lie, that they would become like God."Hey," you say. "I’m confused. Isn’t that what we are supposed to be about? Trying to be like Jesus... like God?" Yeah, that’s true, but our attempts come from a desire for righteousness. Jesus, who was also made perfect, followed God exclusively instead of listening to Satan. "I too try to do what God wants, still I get confused as to what He wants," you say. "With all my heart I want to do good, still I often fail." Join the crowd. We are all sinners, as Roman 3:23 says , "all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." Without Christ it is impossible to please God. "I know that. I’ve given myself to Christ as best I can; but bad things happen to me. Why does God allow bad things to happen to me?" Want to know more? Read on. |
Why Does God Allow Bad Things? Robbie L. Rogers "Do you not know that a little leaven leavens the whole lump?" (1 Corinthians 5:6) I don't understand? Well... have you heard the saying, "One bad apple, even at the bottom of the barrel, spoils the whole lot."? Yeah, okay so you're saying a little evil corrupts all of us in a big way. That's right, and if you look at things that happen to you, you will find either you or others around you, which includes the whole world, caused the problem in the first place. Yeah I can see that, but why does He let it happen? Why not step in and stop it. God often uses suffering or discipline to bring us to maturity. "Our earthly fathers disciplined us for a little while as they felt best; but God disciplines us for our good, that we may share in His Holiness." (Hebrew12:10) He also uses suffering to make us more fruitful as in the master gardener pruning his vines, even though they were already fruitful, "So they may bear more fruit." (John 15:2) "So you’re saying, suffering through bad things often brings us closer to God?" Yes, Romans 8:28 says, "God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called to His purpose." A world where God totally protects us even from ourselves might do us more harm than good in that we would not need Him. Eventually we would bite the hand that feeds us. "Sort of like Adam and Eve did, huh?" Yeah, and let’s look at Jesus’ life here on earth, He’s a good measuring stick. God knew we needed both Salvation and Forgiveness so he gave us a choice, sin or Jesus. Jesus was perfect and He followed God’s direction perfectly; yet, bad things happened to Him. If you look at His life from a worldly standpoint you would have to say He failed. Nevertheless, His life accomplished more in the three short years or so of His ministry than anyone else in all the history of mankind. So if sin, as a leaven, can destroy the whole lot, righteous can save the whole lot. "Oh I see... like when Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers but in turn he saved the whole tribe... like Joseph, Jesus was betrayed by His own people, but in doing so He saved us all... so... I need to learn to have faith that He is with me, regardless of the circumstances, and do the best I can to follow His guidance." Yeah, and as Romans 12:2 says it, "Do not be conformed by the world, but be renewed that you may know God’s will." If you desire to know more about this Jesus Christ who loves you, and you want to ask Him into your heart, receiving His Saving Grace please click on this Salvation Prayer |