I've Heard Stories about Him,
But Who Really Is Jesus?
Jesus existed, and was fully man.
He had a body. He became tired and hungry. He had human experiences, was
tempted, learned, worked, and obeyed his parents.
Some people say he was only a human or a good moral teacher, not divine. What evidence is there that Jesus was what Christians say he was. He said, "If you want to have a relationship with God, you need to come to me." John 14:6 Its through relationship with Him that we can encounter God. Countless people down through the ages have experienced the risen Christ, including your author. Evidence that he rose from the dead is extensive. Want to know more? Read on |
Who Is Jesus? Robbie L. Rogers Some people see becoming a Christian as being a blind leap of faith.
It does require faith, but faith based on historic evidence. Roman
historians Tacitus and Suetonius along with Jewish Josephus, born in 37
AD all mention Jesus in their writings. The entire history of the Roman
Empire is based on only 68 existing copies of manuscripts written from
900-1,100 years after the fact. While 24,300 copies of manuscripts exist
of the New Testament writings, compiled between 130-350 AD exist. Jesus said, "I am the bread of life." John 6:35 He also said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." John 8:12 John 11:25, 26 says, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die." He claimed he had authority to forgive sins. "Son, your sins are forgiven." Mark 2:5 In Matthew 25:31-32 Jesus claimed he would judge the world. Suppose one Sunday your pastor stood up and said, "On Judgment Day you will all appear before me; I will decide your eternal destiny. What happens to you depends on how youve treated me and my followers." That would be preposterous you say. No human would be stupid enough to say that. Especially, no one would follow him. He made direct claims by answering a question in Mark 14:61-64, "Are you the Christ, the son of the Blessed one?" Jesus said, "I am... and you will see the Son of Man sitting on the right hand of the mighty one and coming in the clouds of heaven" When Tomas, one of the disciples knelt down before Jesus saying, "My Lord , my God." Jesus did not turn to him and say, "No, no, Im not God." He said, " Because you have seen Me, you have believed: blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed." John 20:29 The fact that someone claims to be someone does not make it so. Many people in hospitals believe they are people from past times or even Jesus himself. So how do we test Jesus claims? There are three logical conclusions. If his claims were untrue, he knew they were making him an evil imposter. Or, that he did not know, making him delusional or indeed mad. The last possibility, that His claims were true. Still the most compelling. Would you be willing to die a horrible death to masquerade as the savior. Or would you as His followers were be willing to die the same death as Jesus for a lie? Jesus teachings are widely accepted as the greatest the world has even known. They are the foundation of our entire western world and its legal system. No one has improved on His teachings. Could teachings such as that be from a madman or con artist? He performed countless miracles and fulfilled over 300 major old testament prophecies, 29 in one day alone. No one could control that many elements, and the exact method of his death and the place of his burial, much less the place he was born. His resurrection is the cornerstone of Christianity. What evidence is there that it is true? The absence of his body in the tomb. Many have suggested the body was stolen, or that he was not dead. That would be a trick that the entire Roman empire could not pull off even if they tried. Jesus had undergone Roman flogging, under such many had died. He was nailed to a cross for six hours. The soldiers were clearly convinced he was dead. If they allowed any prisoner to escape, much less Jesus, it would mean sure death for them. One even pierced his side, bringing forth water and blood. A sure sign of his death. The disciples would not have stolen his body. They were disillusioned and afraid to be seen in public. Yet, three days after his death He appeared to the disciples and eventually to over 550 people. He was no ghost. He could be touched, he ate, he drank, he cooked breakfast for the disciples, He had long conversations with them, teaching them many things about the Kingdom of God. If you desire more proof read, The Case For Christ, by Lee Strobel. And Reading the Bible If you desire to know more about this Jesus Christ who loves you, and you want to ask Him into your heart, receiving His Saving Grace please click on this Salvation Prayer |
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