Moses instructed Jews in Deuteronomy to do three things, destroy all inhabitants of Canaan, and do not intermarry with them, and shun their God's. Did they? God's people lost their spiritual strength by doing what was right in their eyes, not God's. We often do the same thing don't we? Not so different form them are we? They could have had it all but instead they lived about 400 years in a pitiful existence. There was a woman that lived in Mobile when I was a kid. We called her Gravel Gurty, she was a bag lady, before her time. she lived in a rundown mansion full of garbage, newspapers, cups, just plan trash and a lot of cats all the while having a major fortune in the bank. She could have lived as a wealthy women, like the Jews and even us of today. We should live like a Kings kid but do we have power and might over the forces of evil that attack us? If you want to know more, read on. |
Understanding the Bible, Part Three Robbie L. Rogers
3 PYRAMID (Exodus) 2 ABRAHAM (Patriarch) 1 WORLD (Creation) Remember you are building your threshold to better knowledge of the Bible and we have lain three blocks in place. Obviously we aren't block layers because we are starting from one end without a corresponding end at the same time, placing the keystone at the top. However our is honorable attempt indeed. Why do we study God's word? We want to know more of God through a better grasp of His Word and His peoples history. What does this primarily do for us? If we know who God is through
his word then we can have more easily justify our faith thus making Him more
personal. In doing so it is easy for us to take Jesus as our personal Savior, allowing us to have a better
release of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Such things give us
confidence in living the life we and all
of God's people were supposed to live thousands of years ago. Look on your sheet, Joshua. By doing so we know most of it happened where? Canaan, and where is that? What we now know as Jerusalem. Remember the Jews being led for forty years because of their rebellion to his leadership at where? Kadesh, his time they are at Jericho with Joshua leading them. Once again God brought them to a crossroad. Have you ever felt like God brought you to such a crossroad in
your life, did you enter or were you lead around the desert again? Often we forget God parted the water for his people the second time here. First the priests were to enter the water. What if others had done it? It is said when the priests feet touched the water they parted for them to cross, at flood stage, making it about two miles wide! After they crossed the water began flowing again, can you imagine that, God holding back the flood waters, imagine the flood we had recently of the Yellow river, it got pretty high and turbulent, right? But how much more terrible would it have been if it were at the flood stage making it twenty miles wide when normally it was less than one mile wide? And God stopped it. How would you feel if you were told to march into such a flood? Sometimes we think they had it made, don't we? God was there to guide them, but they had to obey, it was not so easy was it? If
you want to read about the Jordan River crossing read Joshua 1-5. Isn't that what God wants use to do today? Act contrary to the worlds wisdom, following His leading? If we do the walls fall before us just like Jericho don't they. Sometimes we should point out our walls
to God and ask for the help of his angels to help us fight, shouldn't we?
We can receive miracles just like they did because we have the Holy Spirit
at our side! You can read about this in Joshua 6. All twelve tribes had a home! Can you imagine that, we don't really know how many of them there were but we can assume there were more than 3.5 million or so total, Men, women and children. Read Joshua 13-20. Remember this area is about the size of New Jersey, but not so fertile. Okay our forth block is in place. 4 SWORDS (Conquest) 3 PYRAMID (Exodus) 2 ABRAHAM (Patriarch) 1 WORLD (Creation) Now we have the Era of Judges, the fifth block, or era, the darkest time
for Israel, following one of the brightest era, the Conquest. Anders
breaks up this period into four groups, Judges, Rebellion, Cycles, and
Ruth. The Judges time frame is broken into another four segments, Deborah,
Gideon, Samson, and Samuel. These Judges were not people who sat in
judgment, but rather they were political leaders with absolute say so and
power over the people of their time. Deborah lead in the early stages.
Gideon defeated an army of thousands with only three hundred men. Samson
was the mighty warrior and Samuel began their change by bring scripture
back into its place, thereby becoming the first prophet. The Cycle time frame involves a repetition of Israel's misfortunes or a
series of seven year cycles. Each Cycle has five parts, (1) Israel sins,
(2) God Disciplines them by allowing neighboring kingdoms to conquer them,
(3) Israel repents crying out to God for deliverance, (4) God raises up a
judge or leader to bring them out of bondage, and (5) God gives them their
freedom again. When the leader dies the same thing happens again, showing
us how easy it is to become lost without the leadership of the Holy
Spirit. We need to cherish His leadings! |