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Jesus said Hell was a horrible place of eternal punishment made by God for the devil and his fallen angels. 

It was never His intention for any human to spend eternity there. 

Each person who has ever lived or will live in the future have been blessed when Jesus took their sins upon Himself as He hung dying on the cross. 

God is willing to pardon anyone who will listen to the Gospel, repent of his or her sins and receive Jesus as both Savior and Lord.  

Does this sound too simple for you?

If you want to know more, read on.


Ben Marler  
I love the scripture, “God made the gospel simple to confound the wise.”  Please believe me,  The Lord loves each of us so, and does it unconditionally.  His love in called agape or “I love you anyway”.  It is the duty of the church to take our personal testimony to the streets so the lost can come to see that God is no respecter of persons. 

By submitting our will to His, God will bless us with fellowship in His Son Jesus Christ by the indwelling Presence of the Holy Spirit.  Sadly, most folks seem to feel that they have been too bad for God to save. 

Our message can show them that the Lord can save anybody.  Isn’t this true?

I would be willing to bet that more than 90 percent of all Christians have never sat down and written out their testimony.  Those who have can share what happened to them in a more concise and accurate way when given an opportunity. 

Hopefully, we will do it in both a five and a one-minute presentation.  There is very little I enjoy more than telling someone how God saved my soul.  I try not to shed tears but sometimes can’t help it.  I was so bad when Amazing Grace rescued me from the horrors of hell.

A lot of religious people are living in a false hope.  If you think I am kidding, ask them how they know for sure they are going to heaven.  The majority will begin a litany of how many good things they have done or the horrible things they haven’t done. 

Somehow the message of Christ’s suffering on the cross for them didn’t register when they heard it.  This brings me to say, I believe a lot of preaching is not done under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. When God speaks through someone there will be a change in somebody’s life.  In my case, when God is speaking, I find myself saying, “Lord, I’m so sorry please forgive me.  Don’t let me hurt you anymore.”  I love Him so much and know that any thing I do in thought, word or deed hurts Him terribly.

Who will go to Heaven? 

Anyone who will surrender to the Lordship of Jesus definitely will. If you are struggling with this, please read Matthew chapter 25 today.  So many say, “I believe in Jesus” but their actions reveal that it is only an intellectual acknowledgment. Don’t you think those who truly believe in Him are sensitive to the move of His Spirit within them?  I do! 

Now, please don’t get me wrong here.  No amount of works on my part or yours will save us.  Jesus has paid for our salvation once and for all.  But He expects us to do the works that God has prepared for us to do daily.  If you will carefully read Ephesians 2:10 I believe you will be forced to agree with me.

Can you do the works He planned for you? 

You bet you can, and nothing will bring you more Joy.  It won’t take long before you will see  you are an ambassador for Christ and will be operating on His authority and in His Name. Each one of the things have been carefully planned by our Heavenly Father to bring about “His Kingdom Come”. 

You do want to be a part of that.  Don’t you? 

Remember it is His Spirit within you doing them.

Best of all, you will not go to the place prepared for the devil and his angels.  Instead you will be an honored son or daughter in the halls of Heaven forever and ever. 

The Lord tells us, “Eye hath not seen nor ear heard nor has it entered into the heart of man, all the things that God has prepared for them that love Him.”  Would you dare to believe that the total accumulation of all the good things you could experience here on Earth would not equal even one of the treasures God has for you?  If you will, then you can begin a daily walk with Jesus. Close your eyes and you can even see yourself walking about in His sandals.  He will have you doing what He would be doing at the moment were He visible and in our shoes. 

This is almost too awesome to write about.  

Try it and see! 

Our main purpose as a child of God is to take the Risen Christ to the Lost so they can come to know the Peace that passes all understanding.  You will surely have it in abundance as Jesus uses you everyday. 

I am not saying you will become an evangelist but you will be a wonderful witness greatly honored by Almighty God.  Best of all, you will be one who will turn many from the sure eternal death that awaits those who go to hell. I’m sure you want to be credited with bring many to a saving knowledge of Jesus.

When you go out to do God’s work, please stay under the anointing.  When Peter raised Dorcus, the scriptures tell us he put everyone out of the room.Then he knelt down and asked God what he was to do.  The Lord honored him by allowing this fine woman to be brought back to life.  Peter stayed under his anointing. 

If you desire to know more about this Jesus Christ who loves you, and you want to ask Him  into your heart, receiving His Saving Grace please click on this Salvation Prayer