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Do You Feel God Has Marked You As LOST!!??

If you are like most folks you know we all have sinned many times against God and believe He’s angry with us and wants to squash us like a bug. 

The opposite is the truth. 

He loves us so much He sent Jesus to die on a cross for us. 

He is the Author of life and is the only ONE who can give you the gift of ETERNAL LIFE. 

How many times have you already turned Him down? 

Did you know each time you do you hurt His feelings?

He is always ready and willing to forgive and forget your past, accepting you are you are, helping you to change, giving you the Key of Heaven.

All you have to do is ask, and you will receive. 


Try it!  You'll like it!

Want to know more?  Read on

99% SURE AND 100% LOST

Ben Marler, Jr 

One day I heard a great preacher say what led him to get saved was a message that included the statement, “if you are only 99% sure you are saved then you are 100% lost.” That soon to be great preacher quickly realized he was not sure he would go to heaven when he died. He said when the invitation was given he was one of the first to the altar.

Please allow me to ask you now, are you 100% positive you would go to heaven if you were to die while reading this? Now be honest, as this may be your last chance. This may be your last few moments on Earth, only God knows for sure. Most folks think they will live to be 70 or more but many don’t.

Believe me, God is more interested in your eternal life than you or me. He created each one of us in His image. We are so special to Him He gave us our own custom fingerprints. Isn’t that amazing? Could evolution have done this? I think not!

If you read the Bible you will find that our God and Heavenly Father is sensitive and is easily moved by compassion. Each time you hear the Good News of Jesus Christ you are experiencing His love. Did you know He has said, “I will not strive with man forever”? 

I believe there is a time when the Holy Spirit won’t be there for you when the Gospel is preached if you treat the Lord with contempt. Only He can let you hear.

Are you ready to come to “the peace that passes all understanding”? Listen to the words of Blessed Assurance. 

"Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine, Oh what a foretaste of glory divine. Heir of salvation, purchase of God, born of His Spirit, washed in His Blood. This is my story, this is my song, PRAISING MY SAVIOR ALL THE DAYLONG." 

If you are not spending time praising God everyday you may be like the preacher at the beginning of this message. If you are near Him, you will be praising Him!

You were created for God’s pleasure and fellowship. If you haven’t been giving Him any, why not surrender your life to Jesus right now and experience the joy of TOTAL FORGIVENESS. This may be the very best part of becoming a child of God. John 1:12

Just don’t get religious. Accept God’s fellowship in Jesus and you too can sing Blessed Assurance with all of your heart.

If you desire to know more about this Jesus Christ who loves you, and you want to ask Him  into your heart, receiving His Saving Grace please click on this Salvation Prayer

Go back to Questions II